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2 articlesWorth 138,80 EUR
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Slide box, type 100 (cork) promo pack
Slide box, type 100 (cork) promo pack
MSRP 209,00 EUR
your price 195,00 EUR

Test tubes with screwcap » KU16

Test tubes with screwcap » KU16
Tubes made ​​of medical polypropylene
With tightly closing screw cap made of PE-HD
For safe transport and storage of samples
Centrifugable up to 4000 x g
Size: 100 x 16 mm, volume: aprox. 12 ml

lid / capsterilepack sizeprice
per pack
price from
5 packs
KU16attachedyes1000 pc.
(10 bags á 100)
147,90 €142,90 €
KaufenRE09enclosedno1000 pc.82,90 €79,90 €

Fitting equipment

Tube racks, economy
Tube racks, economy